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Is online coaching as effective as a face to face meeting? Nowadays after making a decision regarding getting some help from a life coach, the client has to make another choice.
Do I use a service from a coach that conducts his/her session in his/her office or another convenient place for both sides or do I try online coaching?

Since face to face meetings are always conducted in the same room, so we got accustomed to this and we believe this is the best option. If we can find a great life coach that we can meet in person then we should use this opportunity.

However, finding the best coach for us should not depend on being able to physically meet upwith another person in the same place. And this is the biggest advantage of the Internet coaching.There are not any geographic barriers, we don’t waste our time and energy organising commuting. However first and foremost we can collaborate with a life coach whose methods and attitude towards a client fully fulfil our needs and we feel that we can create a relationship that is going to be a foundation for fantastic achievements. Online coaching similarly like online studying is becoming a very popular and convenient way of personal development. We can adjust it to other responsibilities and intertwine with our lifestyle, the limitations here are really small.

Personally I have got to know benefits of online coaching for the first time from a life coach’s perspective.The results of cooperation between a coach and a client can be spectacular and this has nothing to do with a physical presence in the same room. Both sides have to take care of the comfort, peacefulness and privacy of the conversation.This is very easy, it is sufficient to shut yourself in a room or an office, warn household members or coworkers, ask them for one or two hours of privacy, put on some headphones and for example make some coffee or your favourite tea. Entering into a video call between a life coach and a client forms some space for interaction. We now have a place for a conversation, making some coaching exercises, reflection, humour and seriousness.It does not matter whether we are together in the same room or hundreds or thousands kilometres away, it is only possible with a coach that we trust, who we chose, guided by our gut feeling that it is the right life coach for us, not just the one that we can easily meet up with.

My first coaching consultations are free of charge so I encourage you to use this opportunity before making the final choice of a life coach. This will give you an opportunity to get to know me and my personality and “sample” my style of online coaching.
You cannot lose, you can only win!

Book a free consultation